[dropcaps style=’transparent’]A[/dropcaps]love of books is one of the greatest gifts a parent can provide their child. We were lucky in that regard and have had a healthy affair with the written word over our life. With the iBooks platform, from Apple, we can combine two of our passions to design and deliver interactive and immersive content for sale in the iBooks Store.
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I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once.
C.S. Lewis
An iBook can be more than a simple ePub conversion of a narrative or authoritative tome. It is an immersive experience powered by the written word, but supported by: multitouch experience, Apple Keynote presentations, chapter reviews, 3d images, video, audio interactive images and galleries.
With our experience in web development we can further extend that platform to include a wide-variety of web-enabled content. Virtually anything we can create for a web browser, like Apple’s Safari, we can run inside an iBook.
Having so much flexibility to include supportive materials inside our books allows us to introduce interactions within the book that were once only the domain of video games.
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